Whether you are looking to hire temps and contractors, or you are wanting to go into the workforce as one, you need to know the difference. Labor Solutions Inc. wants to answer the commonly asked questions so you can navigate employment with ease and clarity. Here are some pointers on how to know the difference.

Temporary work is only for a short period of time; it can last a few weeks up to a year. Typically, temporary hires know they will be employed in the position for only a short amount of time. This is helpful for college students who need the flexibility and something to put on their resume. Employers have the right to terminate a temp without warning or reason. Temp work is often seasonal, such as during the holidays when stores need more workers, and it does not get the same benefits as a full-time position. If you want to be hired full-time job after working as a temp, you will need to make sure you make that known to the employer. Usually employers hire temps to fill in the gaps when another employee is on leave or sick. Temps are paid by the temp agency as opposed to the company for which they work.

Contract work is a little different than being a temp. Contractors’ employment has a very specific end date. They can reap the benefits of flexible hours, but they also get the benefits of paid time off or sick days, which a temp worker would not get. Contractors have a special set of skills to benefit the company they work for. The company a contractor works for pays the worker. If you’re a contractor and want to be considered for a full-time position, you must let the employer know. They can either see how you are doing as a contractor and hire, or you can move on to another company.

Now that you know the difference between the two types of employment, contact our staff to find the position that is just right for you!