Did you know that millennials now make up a major part of our workforce? This generation has some very negative stereotypes such as lazy, uncommitted, and not fully equipped for the jobs ahead of them. Many people overlook their good qualities such as leadership, technological knowledge, and commitment.

At Labor Solutions, we’ve put together some tips to help you get the most from the millennials in your workplace.

  1. Make them feel comfortable.
    Millennials often prefer that their job supports diversity. Without that support, they often change jobs within two years. This is because they don’t want to be singled out by what makes them different. So by supporting diversity, you’ll be able to make them feel comfortable.
  2. Provide continuous feedback.
    If you want your Millennials to be motivated, make them feel included by providing positive reinforcement and communication about business.
  3. Appreciate their electronic abilities.
    Their electronic abilities can be a huge benefit to your business. Make them feel the importance of what they have to offer in the understanding of technology and all its continuous improvements.
  4. Work with their schedules and expectations.
    Millennials often have events and obligations outside of work that they need time for. By working with their unique availability, you will encourage them to stick around longer and work harder because their spirits will feel important and happier.

Many millennials prefer temporary jobs, but by following the above tips, you will provide them with the opportunity to stay longer. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, Labor Solutions can help you staff according to your needs with each project and balance your millennial schedules.

If you have any questions about managing the millennials in your workplace, give us a call today. We’re proud to offer a team that has a complete understanding of your needs, goals, and how to provide you with the most comprehensive service possible.

Labor Solutions
250 1st St. South
Winter Haven, FL 33880