We all know that the whole point of a resume is to highlight your past work experience, but how much of that experience should you really list? How far back in time should you go, and how many different types of jobs should you describe? Labor Solutions sees hundreds of resumes every month, and we have some tips on what recruiters are really looking for in terms of your experience.

Showcasing Your Experience
How many past jobs you’re going to list on your resume is going to depend on how many jobs you’ve actually had. If you are new to the job market, or if you’ve only held three or fewer positions, you probably need to go ahead and list all of them. However, if you’ve had quite a few jobs over the years, it won’t be necessary to include every one of them. Basically, you want to keep it relevant.

Generally, Labor Solutions advises workers to stick to about four to six positions that they’ve worked in that are relevant to the current job they are applying for. If you are fresh out of school and looking for a first job, it’s okay to list coursework or internships that relate to the field you are seeking to enter. As time goes on and you start to gain professional experience, you’ll want to phase out the schoolwork listings.

Tailor your resume to each position that you are applying for rather than sending out a cookie-cutter, generic resume. This allows you to highlight the specific skills and duties you’ve employed in various roles in order to show that you have the right experience for that particular job. Don’t just list what your responsibilities were in those positions – show how you added value to the team with your contributions. 

Send Your Resume to Us
Once you have your experience carefully curated and added to your resume, go ahead and send that document to us at Labor Solutions! We are always happy to take a look at your qualifications and match you up with a good position in a great, local company. You can email your resume to us at info@laborsolutions.com.