Managing or supervising a team doesn’t mean doing everything yourself. This is when you need the skill of effective delegation. Delegation and micromanagement are not the same. Effective delegation means focusing on the results of the task, not on the details of how someone does it. Here are some tips from Labor Solutions on how to delegate tasks effectively.

Goal-Oriented Delegation
First, identify the ultimate goals that you and your team are working toward. Clearly defined goals should be communicated to staff members so that everyone understands the underlying purpose of their individual tasks.

Next, determine which team members have the skills to best handle particular tasks. Employ each employee’s strengths to best designate assignments. Consider their soft skills, too, as well as who is enthusiastic and well-suited to learning new aspects of the operation. 

Finally, provide support when necessary, but resist the urge to take over a task when assistance is requested. Make recommendations as appropriate to encourage team members to finish their assignments correctly and efficiently. 

Following these guidelines should help everyone maintain a high level of productivity and progress the team toward the goal in a timely manner. Labor Solutions utilizes these strategies regularly with excellent success, and we believe they can help your organization, too.

Don’t Be Afraid to Let Go
If you’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately by the amount of work your company has to handle, it could be time to bring in some new recruits. Let Labor Solutions help you find high-quality candidates quickly that will be ready to get started right away. All of our workers are thoroughly screened and vetted before being sent to any interviews, so you can rest assured that the people we send you will be able to handle the job you need them to do.