Professional advice

Let’s Get Acquainted!

By |2022-04-04T22:49:35-04:00April 20th, 2022|Hiring, Job Search, Professional advice|

April 21st is Get to Know Your Customers Day, and Labor Solutions is in the unique position of serving both businesses and individuals simultaneously every day. We are proud of what we do here and the role we play in the local economy, and we strive to become well acquainted with all of our clients

Making a Good First Impression Matters

By |2022-04-04T22:46:03-04:00April 13th, 2022|Professional advice|

You know what they say – you only get one chance to make a good first impression. That is so true, and when it comes to employers, you want to make that first impression count. Labor Solutions knows how important it is to start a new job on the right foot, so we’ve got some

Getting the Recognition You Deserve

By |2022-04-04T22:43:28-04:00April 6th, 2022|Professional advice|

When you work hard, it’s nice to be recognized for the effort you put in. Sometimes, though, it can seem like no one appreciates what you really do. This can be frustrating, and discouraging, especially in the context of your job. We at Labor Solutions believe in the value of teamwork, perseverance, and recognition, so

Remote Work Can Benefit Everyone

By |2022-02-28T19:35:13-05:00March 17th, 2022|Job Search, Professional advice|

We’ve all gone through a lot of changes these last couple of years, and it remains to be seen if things will ever entirely go back to the way they were pre-pandemic. A good example of this can be seen in the increased numbers of people who want to work remotely now. Labor Solutions receives

Here’s to the Women!

By |2022-02-28T19:34:32-05:00March 3rd, 2022|Professional advice, Uncategorized|

March is Women’s History Month, and Labor Solutions would like to take a moment to highlight the achievements of some outstanding women. We could never do justice to the entirety of women’s contributions to history in one blog post, so we’re going to focus on women from Florida. Florida Women Who Made History Florida has

There’s a Right and Wrong Way to Network

By |2022-01-27T23:23:50-05:00February 21st, 2022|Job Search, Professional advice|

For years, you’ve been hearing about how important it is to network for professional success. Whether you’re job hunting, looking to climb the corporate ladder, or wanting to switch career fields entirely, you need to network. But for networking to be effective, it needs to be done right. That’s why Labor Solutions has created this

Smooth Out the Wrinkles of Remote Work 

By |2022-01-27T23:20:32-05:00February 15th, 2022|Professional advice|

The remote-working employee could be here to stay, and Labor Solutions is glad to see this increased flexibility in working situations! There are some inherent challenges with having employees scattered throughout various locations. Management, in particular, can be difficult when your team is out of sight.  Managing a Remote Team Labor Solutions understands that plenty

Celebrate Black History Month by Remembering Polk Heroes

By |2022-01-27T23:12:51-05:00February 1st, 2022|Professional advice|

Every February, the U.S. recognizes the valuable contributions of African-Americans to our melting pot society with Black History Month. This year, Labor Solutions would like to focus on some of the notable figures from Polk County who have made their mark on Central Florida over the years. Black History is American History It’s impossible to

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