Professional Emails Should Be Just That – Professional
In our modern era of information saturation and instant communication, it is easy to fall into a habit of abbreviating everything and sending messages as soon as the thought strikes us. While this might be fine for texting friends, it’s
Balance Is Everything: Tips for Single Parents
The staff at Labor Solutions is made up of people with a variety of different types of home lives, so we understand that our workers are also individuals who come from an array of various situations. While everyone has challenges
Body Language Counts: Are You Sending the Wrong Message?
Have you ever gone to an interview feeling totally prepared, and thought that you gave all the right answers throughout, only to be left wondering why you never got called back with a job offer? While there are certainly many
Treat Your Recruiter as You Would Your Employer
As seasoned professionals when it comes to recruitment, the team at Labor Solutions has seen it all when it comes to applicants and how they interact with recruiters – the good, the bad, and the confusing! We want to remind
Conquer Distractions When Working Remotely
More people are working from home than ever before, and it’s likely to stay this way moving into the future. While some relish the opportunity to work in the comfort of their home and have an efficient space and routine
Choose Your Professional References Wisely
Not every position you apply for will check the references you provide, but some will, so it’s important that you choose carefully who you list as professional references. Labor Solutions has some points to consider when you are creating your