New Year’s is a popular time for many of us to want to turn over a new leaf by eating healthier, exercising more, and giving up bad habits. At Labor Solutions, we look forward to these challenges to improve every year! However, as you make your list of ways you want to do better, don’t forget to include your work life as an area for polishing.

Why Work Resolutions Matter
Creating some work resolutions for yourself doesn’t have to mean vowing to work longer hours or taking on more responsibilities. The best resolutions will be the ones that help create less stress and more joy when you’re on the job. Below are Labor Solutions’ favorite work-related New Year’s Resolutions.

  • Adopt a positive mindset. Avoid complaining about work and make an effort to focus more on the things that have gone right each day. A positive thought and word can go a long way towards cultivating an overall healthier state of mind.
  • Declutter your station. If your desk or work area has gotten out of hand, this is a great time to apply a little organization as well as to discard things that are old, unused, broken, or otherwise taking up space unnecessarily. Coming to work and seeing a clean work space is so much nicer than walking into a mess every day.
  • Are you taking your breaks? If you’re skipping lunch or other breaks just to get a little more work done, please ask yourself why. Meals and breaks are incredibly important to a worker’s mental health and productivity, so if your employer needs that extra 15 minutes from you more than you need your sanity, it might be time to seek greener pastures.
  • Excel! Once you’ve got those other situations in hand, maybe it’s time to go above and beyond! Take the initiative to ask for a raise, volunteer to organize a team-building event, or just add a little touch of pizzazz to your customer service routine. When you feel good at work, share the joy.

Happy New Year!
From all of us at Labor Solutions, we offer our sincere best wishes for a prosperous, healthy, and happy 2023 to you all.